How to share files on Google Drive with 3 types of permissions

Google Drive has become so popular and inevitably appears in our work. If you are starting to learn, you will understand how to use Google Drive professionally by the end of this article. The article guides Google Drive from the basics like downloading files, creating folders, how to share files on Google Drive advanced and buying more space on Google Drive.

Sign in to Google Drive

To start using Google Drive, you need a Gmail account. If you don’t have one, click create a Gmail account and create one for yourself. Once you have Gmail, you can sign in to Google Drive using the link to use it.

The first interface of Google Drive will look like this, turn off the introductory windows.

Instructions for Google Drive to log in
Instructions for Google Drive to log in

Upload files to Google Drive

To upload files to Google Drive, click the New plus sign in the upper left corner of the Google Drive page.

Click the New plus sign in the upper left corner of the Google Drive page (Google Drive instructions and how to share files on Google Drive)
Click the New plus sign in the upper left corner of the Google Drive page

You have 2 options to upload to Google Drive as follows:

  • Upload files: you select each individual file to upload slowly.
  • Upload folder: you just select the folder, all files in the folder will be uploaded to Google Drive.
There are 2 options to upload to Google Drive
There are 2 options to upload to Google Drive

In addition to uploading files from your computer to Google Drive, you can also create several other files supported by Google Drive, such as Google Docs (Google Docs), Google Sheets (Google Sheets), Google Forms (Google Forms), etc.

Can create some other files supported by Google Drive (Google Drive instructions and how to share files on Google Drive)
Can create some other files supported by Google Drive

After uploading the file, you can rename, delete, or do some actions by right-clicking on the file.

Right click on a file or folder
Right-click on a file or folder

Create a folder in Google Drive

To create a folder in Google Drive, click the New plus sign and then select Folder.

Create a folder in Google Drive
Create a folder in Google Drive

Name the folder you want to create on Google Drive, then click create.

Name the folder you want to create on Google Drive
Name the folder you want to create on Google Drive

Move files to Google Drive folder

There are files, and there are folders. We will think about arranging, moving them. There are 2 ways for you to move files on Google Drive.

Method 1: you click and hold on the file you want to move and drag and drop it into the destination folder.

Move files to Google Drive folder
Move files to the Google Drive folder

Method 2: you right-click on the file and select Move to.

Right click on a file or folder
Right-click on a file or folder

There will be a small window for you to choose the destination folder. After selecting the folder, click the Move button to complete.

After selecting the folder, click the Move button
After selecting the folder, click the Move button

share files on Google Drive

Sharing files on Google Drive is the most important step that new users need to know, but the other parts are relatively easy. There are 3 types of Google Drive sharing that Lucid Gen wants to guide you in detail.

  1. share files on Google Drive for everyone to see.
  2. share files on Google Drive gives someone editing permission.
  3. share files on Google Drive grants editing permission to all.

Share files on Google Drive for everyone to see

Sharing files on Google Drive for all to see means you’ll get a link where anyone who opens the link can see the file but not edit permission.

You right-click the file or folder you want to share, and then select Get shareable link.

Right click on a file or folder (Google Drive tutorial and how to share files on Google Drive)
Right-click on a file or folder

A small window will appear containing the link, and please notice the green button it pops up to share. Please copy the link in the box to send it to others.

Share Google Drive for everyone to see (Google Drive instructions and how to share files on Google Drive)
Share Google Drive so everyone can see it

share files on Google Drive give someone editing permission

Share files on Google Drive granting edit permission to someone mean that you will allow a few people with whom you have their Gmail to view and edit that file or files in the folder if you share the folder.

You right-click the file or folder you want to share on Google Drive and then select Share.

Right click on a file or folder
Right-click on a file or folder

Next, you can enter the Gmail address of the recipient of the share and then click Done. But to be more clear, you can click on the words Advanced to see more options.

Share Google Drive give someone editing permission (Google Drive instructions and how to share files on Google Drive)
Share Google Drive give someone edit permission

In the advanced share files on Google Drive window, you will see a more general view. Includes link, access mode is private or public, and add people to be edited.

Enter the Gmail address of the recipient of the share, then select the access level as Sortable and edit. After you click the Send button, that person will receive a notification to share files on Google Drive from you.

(Assuming you make the file or folder private and share it with the person who has Only viewable permission. Then only you and that person can see it; other people who have the link can’t see it either.)

Please enter the Gmail address of the recipient to share (Google Drive instructions and how to share files on Google Drive)
Enter the Gmail address of the recipient of the share

After you share file or folder permissions on Google Drive, you can still change that permission by clicking the button next to their name. In particular, you can assign the ownership rights to them always if necessary.

That permission can be corrected by clicking the button next to their name (Google Drive instructions and how to share files on Google Drive)
That permission can be corrected by clicking the button next to their name

share files on Google Drive grants editing permission to all

To share permissions, anyone with the link can also edit. You click on the green text Change in the advanced sharing window.

Click on the green text Change in the advanced sharing window (Google Drive instructions and how to share files on Google Drive)
Click on the blue text Change in the advanced sharing window

Select 1 of the 2 that start with the word On, then select the access level as Sortable, add and edit, and then click Save. The difference between the 2 Enables is as follows:

  • On – Public on the web: allows the file to appear on Google search. But it’s not easy to show up.
  • Enable – Anyone with the link: disallow the file from appearing on Google search. Just pick this one up quickly.
Share Google Drive grants editing permission to all (Google Drive instructions and how to share files on Google Drive)
Sharing Google Drive grants editing permission to all

How to New Add to My Drive

Around April 2020, many of you had problems adding my drive feature (add to my drive) being lost. Make the sync on the computer not work the same as before, but only create a link shortcut. This is the treatment that Nguyen Tien has contributed to us.

You go to “shared with me” as usual, click to select the folder or file to be transferred to Drive and then press the “SHIFT + Z” key combination, a small window will appear to add to the drive like old.

Nguyen Tien

Find deleted files on Google Drive

If you accidentally delete a file or folder on Google Drive, don’t worry; they are still in the Trash. When right-clicking, you can recover deleted files or permanently delete them on Google Drive.

Find deleted files on Google Drive
Find deleted files on Google Drive

Sync Google Drive on computer & phone

An indispensable feature of cloud storage utilities like Google Drive is file synchronization between devices and the web. If necessary, download and explore. Industries like designers or people who work on 2 computers are suitable for this feature.

Download Google Drive on your computer

Right in the lower-left corner of the Google Drive page, there is a small banner calling to download Google Drive for computers. You click it to download and install. Sign in with your correct Gmail address.

There will be a folder called Google Drive on your computer, and when you put a file in it, that file will automatically be uploaded to Google Drive. And vice versa, when you upload to the Google Drive site, the file will also download itself in the Google Drive folder on your computer.

I find it beneficial but also annoying. Depending on the purpose, you should consider using the Google Drive sync feature on your device.

Download Google Drive on your computer
Download Google Drive on your computer

Download Google Drive on your phone

Google Drive on the phone will not sync downloads like a computer, but just for you to manage conveniently. To get Google Drive on your phone, open the app store and search for Google Drive. Or you can get a quick download by clicking the button below.

Check and buy more Google Drive storage

By default, Google gives you 15GB of space to store data. Note that 15GB for all services, including Gmail and other miscellaneous, not just Google Drive.

Take a look at the bottom left corner to check your Google account space. If you want to buy more, click Buy storage.

If you want to buy more, click Buy memory
If you want to buy more, click Buy memory

There are many levels of storage for you to buy at the cost of 45,000 VND. If you want to buy, click the blue button in the price list. But first, you need to add a payment method to your Google account.

Buy more Google Drive storage
Buy more Google Drive storage

To add a payment method for your Google account, go to, then click Add payment method.

To add a payment method to a Google account
To add a payment method to a Google account

Enter your credit card information and click save.

Enter your credit card information
Enter your credit card information

After adding the payment method, you can return to the above step to buy Google Drive storage.


The Google Drive user guide is basically like that. The sharing feature on Google Drive mainly needs to remember the right type of sharing to use the right case in our work. Leave a comment below to share your thoughts on this guide. I hope you soon master using Google Drive!

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Hieu Tran Ngoc Minh

Hieu Tran Ngoc Minh

I am currently working as a Data Analyst; before that, I worked in Digital Marketing. Blogging is a joy, helping me share my knowledge and experiences from life and work. You can donate to me here.

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