How to format numbers in Mail Merge correctly

To personalize contracts and documents, Word’s Mail Merge feature is the most used tool. However, numeric data fields are sometimes not displayed in the correct format we want. Lucid Gen has compiled a set of formulas to help you format numbers in Mail Merge more correctly. I also show you how to get the number format in Excel.

Basic Mail Merge number format

To modify the number format of an information field displayed in Mail Merge, you need to view it in Field Codes mode. Here are the basic steps to help you get started:

Step 1: Right-click on the information field and select Toggle Field Codes. You can also use keyboard shortcuts by left-clicking on the information field and pressing the Shift F9 key combination.

See Field Codes mode to add number formats in Mail Merge
See Field Codes mode to add number formats in Mail Merge

Step 2: The default Field Codes mode will be {MERGEFIELD field_name}, to add a number format to that information field, we need to add a format code after field_name. For a more specific example, I will have an Excel file with column names as follows.

DateNumberPercent x 100Percent
February 14, 2021500000.78996.690.9669

On Mail Merge, to format the number 500000,789 to 500,001, I will change the Field Codes to {MERGEFIELD field_name \# #,##0}.

Example of formatting numbers into thousands with commas in Mail Merge
Example of formatting numbers into thousands with commas in Mail Merge

So, we know how to change the number format in basic Mail Merge. Next, we will learn about other formats, such as dates, percentages, and decimals.

Use the Mail Merge number format formula

The table below shows standard formulas for formatting numbers in Mail Merge. Please use them flexibly, depending on your goals.

Day month Year\@ dd/MM/yyyy14/02/2021
Day\@ dd14
Month\@ MM02
Year\@ yyyy2021
Hours and minutes\@ HH:mm17:30
Hours, minutes, and seconds\@ HH:mm:ss17:30:15
Number in thousands\# #,##0500,001
Thousands with decimals (3 numbers)\# #,##0.000500,000.789
Vietnamese currency\# #,##0₫500,001₫
Dollar currency\# $#,##0.00$500,000.79
Percentage (multiplied by 100 in Excel)\# 0%97%
Percentage (multiplied by 100 in Excel) with decimals (2 numbers)\# 0.00%96.69%
Percentage (not multiplied by 100 in Excel){={MERGEFIELD field_name}*100 # 0%}97%
Percentage (not multiplied by 100 in Excel) with decimals (2 numbers){={MERGEFIELD field_name}*100 \# 0.00%}96.69%

Suppose you encounter an error with the Percentage (not multiplied by 100 in Excel). In that case, it is best to multiply by 100 in Excel and then use another formula, as long as we have the correct number format on Mail Merge. Going back to the original example, Lucid Gen will insert a number format formula into Field Codes for all information fields like this.

Use formulas to format numbers in Mail Merge
Use formulas to format numbers in Mail Merge

Use number formatting from Excel

Set up Confirm Data Source

For Windows computers, after you have selected the data source, in the Confirm Data Source dialog box, choose MS Excel Worksheets via DDE (*.xls).

Preserve number formatting from Excel in Mail Merge
Preserve number formatting from Excel in Mail Merge

For macOS computers, Mail Merge in the Office suite for MacBook will automatically take the number format available in Excel by default.

Add a line of text below the field name

If you have difficulty formatting numbers in Mail Merge using formulas, you can overcome them this way. Insert a blank line below the field name line, then fill in any text in the number columns. This makes Mail Merge recognize that this is a text column and will take the correct format as in Excel.


With the above methods, Lucid Gen hopes they will help you complete your work with Mail Merge smoothly. Please leave a comment below this article about your results or questions. Good luck!

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Hieu Tran Ngoc Minh

Hieu Tran Ngoc Minh

I am currently working as a Data Analyst; before that, I worked in Digital Marketing. Blogging is a joy, helping me share my knowledge and experiences from life and work. You can donate to me here.

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