How to add fonts to Word PowerPoint on Mac

Adding fonts to Word and PowerPoint on MacBook is the first thing we think of after installing Office on MacBook for free. We will need suitable fonts for many purposes, such as drafting contracts and writing essays. The following article will help you add fonts to PowerPoint and Word on MacBook most simply and effectively.

Downloading fonts for MacBook

There are many sources to download beautiful fonts for MacBook, and Lucid Gen often uses Google Fonts because it is genuine, free, and has many Vietnamese fonts. In addition, there are many other sources like that also have many fonts with nice demos.

How to add font to Word on Mac - How to add font to PowerPoint on Mac - Download fonts for MacBook for free
Download fonts for MacBook for free

Note if you have font errors when typing Vietnamese, see the article on how to fix Vietnamese typing errors on MacBook.

Adding fonts for MacBook

To add fonts for MacBook, open the Font Book application on Mac, and click the plus button.

How to add font to Word on Mac - How to add font to PowerPoint on Mac - Adding fonts for MacBook
Adding fonts for MacBook

Select the folder containing the font files you want to add to your MacBook. You can select individual files or select the entire folder.

How to add font to Word on Mac - How to add font to PowerPoint on Mac - Select the font to add to your MacBook
Select the font to add to your MacBook

Fonts added to the MacBook will be in the User section. You can now add this font to Word or PowerPoint.

How to add font to Word on Mac - How to add font to PowerPoint on Mac - Check the font added to MacBook
Check the font added to MacBook

Hint: If you want to add fonts to the content of Facebook posts or social networks, please refer to the article on how to write bold text on Facebook.

Adding fonts to Word on Mac

After performing the above steps, you have already added fonts to Word on Mac. Now you need to open Word, select the font you added on Mac, and you’re done.

How to add font to Word on Mac - How to add font to PowerPoint on Mac - Add fonts to Word on Mac
Add fonts to Word on Mac

Install the default font for Word to save time each time you use Word. Open Format > Font > select font, font size, color > click Default button > select All documents based on the Normal template > click OK button.

How to add font to Word on Mac - How to add font to PowerPoint on Mac - Add fonts to Word on Mac automatically for next time
Add fonts to Word on Mac automatically for next time

Adding fonts to PowerPoint on MacBook

Similarly, when you add fonts for Mac, you have already added fonts to PowerPoint. Now you need to go to PowerPoint and choose the font to design.

How to add font to Word on Mac - How to add font to PowerPoint on Mac - Add fonts to PowerPoint on MacBook
Add fonts to PowerPoint on MacBook

In addition to fonts, Lucid Gen believes that many other factors make your slides more vivid. You can insert music into PowerPoint or add icons to PowerPoint to have an impressive presentation.

Removing fonts on MacBook

You might want to delete a font on your MacBook for many reasons. Here are some ways to handle it; depending on the purpose and case, you should choose the appropriate application.

Deleting a font

Delete a font on your MacBook if you no longer want to use it. Open Font Book > right-click the font to be deleted > select Remove.

How to add font to Word on Mac - How to add font to PowerPoint on Mac - Delete a font on a MacBook
Delete a font on a MacBook

Restoring the default MacBook font

If you accidentally installed a lot of fonts on your MacBook and now you want to clean the fonts on your MacBook, then use this method. Open Font Book > Fine > Restore Standard Fonts.

How to add font to Word on Mac - How to add font to PowerPoint on Mac - Restore MacBook's default font
Restore MacBook’s default font

Hiding fonts on MacBook

In addition to deleting fonts on your MacBook, you can also hide them. This way, you can reuse them in the future without downloading them again. Select Font in Font Book > click the hide font button.

How to add font to Word on Mac - How to add font to PowerPoint on Mac - Hide a font on MacBook
Hide a font on MacBook

Handling duplicate fonts on MacBook

If you add a large number of fonts to your MacBook, it’s possible that some of them are already installed on your system. In such cases, your Mac will notify you about the duplicate fonts. To resolve this issue, simply right-click on the duplicated font, choose the “Resolve Duplicates” option. This will allow your Mac to retain the best version of the font while removing the duplicate.

How to add font to Word on Mac - How to add font to PowerPoint on Mac - Handling duplicate font errors on Mac
Handling duplicate font errors on Mac

Frequently asked questions

What font formats does MacBook accept?

MacBook mainly uses fonts with TTF or OTF format. Other formats you should try to install.

Do I need to restart my computer to use the newly added fonts?

No need. You can use it immediately after adding fonts to Word on Mac (add fonts to PowerPoint on MacBook).


After adding the font to Word for Mac, choose it as the default font to save time later. In addition, do not forget to choose a new font when creating the automatic table of contents in Word. Lucid Gen hopes adding fonts to PowerPoint on MacBook or Word has become easier for you after reading this article.

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Hieu Tran Ngoc Minh

Hieu Tran Ngoc Minh

I am currently working as a Data Analyst; before that, I worked in Digital Marketing. Blogging is a joy, helping me share my knowledge and experiences from life and work. You can donate to me here.

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