How to add Google Analytics measurement ID to Looker

Have you ever wondered, “Are the dashboards you design on Google Looker still visible?” If you know of a dashboard that no one is interested in anymore, you can suggest stopping updating it to reduce resource and money waste. In this article, Hieu will show you how to add Google Analytics measurement ID to Google Looker and how to view reports on dashboard views.

Get the Google Analytics measurement ID

Hieu thinks you already have a Google Analytics measurement ID to be interested in this topic. But if you don’t have it yet, see the instructions for getting Google Analytics ID. We still get a GA4 measurement tag with the data stream being the web; in the website URL settings in the data stream section, please fill in

Set up data stream when retrieving Google Analytics measurement ID for Looker.
Set up data stream when retrieving Google Analytics measurement ID for Looker.

Add Google Analytics measurement ID to Looker

Step 1: Access a dashboard on your Google Looker. You must open each dashboard to add Google Analytics measurement ID to multiple dashboards on Looker.

Step 2: Open report settings. Click File on the menu and select Report settings.

Step 3: Enter the Google Analytics measurement ID into the “Google Analytics Measurement IDs” setting. You can enter multiple IDs separated by commas.

Instructions for adding Google Analytics code to Looker
Instructions for adding Google Analytics measurement ID to Looker

After adding Google Analytics measurement code to dashboards on Looker, you have to wait about 6 to 12 hours to see the data in reports. As for real-time reports, you can view them after 5 minutes.

Tracking dashboard views on Google Analytics

To track the Looker dashboard views report in Google Analytics, select the asset you created in the menu above. In the left menu, select Report > Engagement > Page and screens. Select the “Page tile and screen class” in the drop list if you only see URLs and not titles.

Views and engagement times report of Looker dashboards on Google Analytics
Views and engagement times report of Looker dashboards on Google Analytics

Click on the column headers to arrange the data in ascending or descending order, allowing you to identify the most and least visited dashboard pages. When used with a temporal filter, such as that of the preceding month, you will ascertain which dashboard pages remain often accessed or have been neglected.

If you are interested in a certain dashboard page, search for it in the bar below.


Adding Google Analytics measurement ID to Looker doesn’t take much time, but it’s very helpful for data creators to reassess the usefulness of dashboards periodically.

It will be difficult for you to get the right answer when you ask each colleague whether they still look at a certain dashboard. Most people tell you to keep dashboards because they’re afraid they’ll need them or they don’t know what their teammates will think. With view metrics in Google Analytics, your argument for stopping updating a forgotten dashboard will be strong.

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Hieu Tran Ngoc Minh

Hieu Tran Ngoc Minh

I am currently working as a Data Analyst; before that, I worked in Digital Marketing. Blogging is a joy, helping me share my knowledge and experiences from life and work. You can donate to me here.

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