How to track conversion with Google Tag Manager

Track conversion is what we should do when running Google Ads ads with websites that use the chat window. Recorded conversions help Google understand what we expect to get from our ads, making it possible for Google Ads accounts to use conversion-focused bid methods.

This article, Lucid Gen will guide you on how to track conversion with Google Tag Manager. Make sure to follow all the steps. If you do not know Google Tag Manager, see how to insert Tag Manager into the web.

What is conversion?

For, a conversion can be an action where a customer initiates a chat, a customer fills in before chatting, or a customer leaves a message when you’re offline.

You can choose only the one action you want to make the conversion. For example, fill in the information before the chat is the conversion you want. Or select all actions as conversions. This is in the final step of the article (adding a goal in Analytics).

Guide to track conversion correctly

We add the chat event to Analytics and select it as the goal, then import the goal from Google Analytics into Google Ads as the conversion. conversion track steps:

Step 1: Insert using Tag Manager with special HTML.

Step 2: Add the event action variable.

Step 3: Add the event trigger.

Step 4: Add the Google Analytics event track tag.

Step 5: Import conversions from Google Analytics into Google Ads.

This method only works with GA3 (Google Analytics Universal), you just need to create a new property > Select Universal property and then add the Google Analytics code into your website. Google still uses GA3 and recommends using both versions in parallel because GA4 still has many shortcomings that only GA3 has.

Insert with Tag Manager with special HTML

To track chat conversions, you must use the event push code, not the default code that provides. Log in to to get the part code, then replace your in the code below.

<script type="text/javascript">
var Tawk_API=Tawk_API||{}, Tawk_LoadStart=new Date();
var s1=document.createElement("script"),s0=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
// Do chuyen doi by
  var dataLayerPush = function(event){
                              'event': '',
                              'eventAction': event
                              'event': '',
                              'eventAction': event
  Tawk_API.onChatStarted = function(){
    dataLayerPush("Chat Started");
  Tawk_API.onPrechatSubmit = function(data){
   dataLayerPush("Prechat form submitted");
  Tawk_API.onOfflineSubmit = function(data){
    dataLayerPush("Offline Chat submit");

In Google Tag Manager, you add a custom HTML tag with the code you just changed. Use the trigger to view the All Pages page as shown below.

Insert with Tag Manager with special HTML
Insert with Tag Manager with special HTML

If you have ever inserted code for your website, regardless of whether you insert it into the website source code or insert it with Google Tag Manager, remove it all and re-insert it with the code above.

Add event action variable

We need to add a variable to push the event. In Google Tag Manager, you continue to add a Data Class Variable with the variable name eventAction. Note both the top and bottom have the same name as shown.

Add event action variable
Add event action variable.

Add conversion event trigger

Next, we add a custom Event trigger with the event name The name of the trigger can be set as well. Very simple, right? The next one will be a little more difficult.

Add conversion event trigger
Add conversion event trigger.

Add Google Analytics event track tag

Almost done, now we add the Google Analytics – Universal Analytics tag to receive the conversion event, configure the following:

  • Track Type: Events
  • Category:
  • Action: click right button select {{eventAction}}
  • Label: click right button select {{Page Path}}
  • Enable the override setting in this tag, enter your Google Analytics track ID.

The other parts do not edit anything; click save.

Add Google Analytics event track tag
Add Google Analytics event track tag.

You can now check your events yourself by going to Google Analytics and looking at the Realtime and Events section. You open the website to try chatting and wait a few seconds, and you will see the conversion event appear. Like the photo below.

Check by going to Google Analytics under Realtime and Events
Check by going to Google Analytics under Realtime and Events

If so, you have successfully pushed the event into Analytics. Now you need one more step to get Google Ads to convert.

Import conversion from Google Analytics into Google Ads

In Google Analytics, you click Admin add Goals and configure as follows:

  • Goal Setting: Custom
  • Name: as you like
  • Target Type: Event
  • Target Details: Category By

The task I suggest you leave blank. If yes, then fill in the Event Action you see in the real-time test, for example, Chat Started. Thus, only starting a chat will be counted; actions such as chatting when you are not online will not be counted.

Go to Administration add goals and configuration
Go to Administration add goals and configuration.

Next, for Google Ads to receive data from Google Analytics, go back to Administration and link to Google Ads, choose to share all data.

Go back to Admin and link to Google Ads
Go back to Admin and link to Google Ads.

Now that it’s Google Ads go to the Conversion Selector. Add new conversions and import from Google Analytics. Select the goal you just added in Google Analytics.

Import conversion from Google Analytics into Google Ads
Import conversion from Google Analytics into Google Ads

Epilogue conversions imported from Analytics into Google Ads will be slower than viewing directly in Analytics. After completing the steps of the conversion tracking, click on the ad yourself and chat to see if Google Ads has received the conversion.

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Hieu Tran ngoc Minh

Hieu Tran ngoc Minh

I am currently working as a Data Analyst; before that, I worked in Digital Marketing. Blogging is a joy, helping me share my knowledge and experiences from life and work. You can donate to me here.

4 thoughts on “How to track conversion with Google Tag Manager”

  1. hi! thanks for informative article. But don’t we need to add trigger in google analytics event tag?

    • Hello Alice!
      Yes, we need add trigger in google analytics event

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