Share Google Ads keyword grouping tool

Keyword grouping is the most important and time-consuming task when preparing a Google Ads search campaign. I myself am also very bored with some keyword categories too much to break up. This is the general story of people running Google Ads ads. But now, when looking through this article, I believe you will be somewhat relieved because there is a Google Ads keyword grouping tool that Lucid Gen shared.

Download Google Ads keyword grouping tool

You click on the link below to download. The password to extract is lucidgen.

Prepare before use

Before using the Google Ads keyword grouping tool, you need to prepare a little about keywords and change a little setting in Excel software. Follow my instructions.

Prepare keywords

The first thing we need to do is find a list of keywords. For example, in this article, I will take a keyword list of iPhone 7, iPhone 8, iPhone x to guide you.

Google Ads keyword grouping tool - Keyword preparation
Prepare keywords

Macros Enabled Settings for Excel

Because my tool uses Macros to execute, you must do this for the tool to work. Open the Excel software on your computer, click File in the upper left corner.

Google Ads keyword grouping tool - Click File in the upper left corner
Click File in the upper left corner

Continue, you click Options in the lower-left corner.

Google Ads keyword grouping tool - Click Options in the lower left corner
Click Options in the lower-left corner

The Excel Options window appears. Click Trust Center on the menu and click Trust Center Settings to enter Macros settings.

Click Trust Center on the menu and click Trust Center Settings
Click Trust Center on the menu and click Trust Center Settings.

Add a Trust Center window that appears, click Macro Settings on the left menu, then select Enable all macros in the right options panel. Then click OK below to save. If there are any tables on the screen, click OK.

Click Macro Settings on the left menu, then select Enable all macros
Click Macro Settings on the left menu, then select Enable all macros

After installing and enabling Macros, we will now come to the most awaited part using the Google Ads keyword division tool.

User manual

Open the keyword grouping tool. Like many other Excel files downloaded from the internet, the first thing we need to do is click the Enable Editing button to use it. Otherwise, watch it.

Click the Enable Editing button
Click the Enable Editing button.

Paste the keyword column that you have prepared, and my example is about iPhone. Then I will enter the group decision words like 7 plus, 7, 8 plus, 8, x in the blue bar. Then click the Group button to let the tool automatically group keywords by the names of those columns.

Tip to keep in mind: you should prioritize the long decision words on the left first. Like I am 7 plus and then 7, the tool will choose keywords for 7 plus first and then continue to divide the remaining words by 7 later. If you do the opposite, 7 plus will have no words because 7 has already taken it first.

Click the Group button for the tool to automatically group keywords
Click the Group button for the tool to automatically group keywords.

Immediately, the tool will automatically split keywords at the speed of light (Wow… Like a charm). Of course, there will be words that do not fall into any group because they do not contain the decisive word. Those words will stay in the Remain Keywords column, and you can use it to put in a certain group or negate, for example. The result is as shown below.

Results from the Google Ads keyword grouping tool
Results from Google Ads keyword grouping tool

Please copy the results to a new Excel file to save. For example, you can divide it further; for example, if I continue to divide for iPhone x, copy the iPhone x column and paste it into the Keywords column. I skimmed through and saw that some words could be used to divide, such as 256, 64, old, portable, price. Continue to fill in the green column and click the Group button to split keywords.

Google Ads keyword grouping tool - Deeper division with iphone x keywords
Deeper division with keywords of iPhone x

And here is the keyword result of iPhone x divided further.

iPhone x keyword division results of Google Ads keyword grouping tool
Results of iPhone x keyword division of Google Ads keyword grouping tool

This is just a simple example of using the Google Ads keyword grouping tool for you to understand. For each category, or each person will have a different way of dividing, do it your way as long as you use the tool effectively.


It can be seen that 10 people run Google Ads; all 9 people have thought of a Google Ads keyword grouping tool like this. But don’t know where to find it, visit Lucid Gen often. I have many topics about Google Ads to share, but I don’t have time to write.

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Hieu Tran ngoc Minh

Hieu Tran ngoc Minh

I am currently working as a Data Analyst; before that, I worked in Digital Marketing. Blogging is a joy, helping me share my knowledge and experiences from life and work. You can donate to me here.

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