How to add Gmail to Outlook easily

Adding Gmail to Outlook helps you batch manipulate thousands of mails that the web version of Gmail cannot do so quickly. Besides, many of you are used to Outlook before, but at the new company, we use Gmail, we can still open Gmail with Outlook to use. Please follow the simple instructions below to add Gmail to Outlook.

Effect of add Gmail to Outlook


  • Help you process thousands of emails quickly by syncing Gmail messages to Outlook on your computer. You can do a lot of batch operations quickly without waiting to load like on Gmail.
  • More specialized tools than Gmail. Standard office style editor, insert as many formats as Word.
  • Incoming mail notification as a mobile application. Don’t worry about missing mail.
  • Opening different Gmail accounts in the same Outlook app saves you the time-consuming task of switching accounts like on Gmail.
  • Some other advantages I have listed in the article How to set up domain email in Outlook .


Outlook’s mail sorting isn’t smart yet. Outlook does not group messages with the same subject into one place for viewing but displays them as separate messages. Maybe in the future, Outlook will update better.

Steps to add Gmail to Outlook

To add Gmail to Outlook as quickly as possible, open your browser and log in to Gmail first. Then you open Outlook and follow these steps.

Step 1: Go to Preferences > Account to see a list of existing Gmail accounts and add a new Gmail account.

If you are using Outlook for the first time, Outlook will display a new account login panel so that you can skip this step.

How to add Gmail to Outlook- Go to Account to manage the list of corporate email accounts
Go to Account to manage the list of corporate email accounts

Step 2: Click the Plus sign > New Account to add a new Gmail account.

If you are using Outlook for the first time, Outlook will display a new account login panel so that you can skip this step.

How to add Gmail to Outlook- Edit/Delete/Add your corporate mail account on Outlook
Edit/Delete/Add your corporate mail account on Outlook

Step 3: You enter your Gmail address > Continue to start adding Gmail to Outlook.

How to add Gmail to Outlook- Enter the Gmail address you want to add into Outlook
Enter the Gmail address you want to add into Outlook

Step 4: When the browser opens, click on the Gmail account that you want to add into Outlook.

Select the Gmail you want to add in Outlook
Select the Gmail you want to add in Outlook

Step 5: You click the Allow button to grant Outlook permissions and then click Open Microsoft Outlook to return to Outlook.

How to add Gmail to Outlook - Allow Outlook permissions
Allow Outlook permissions

Step 6: When Outlook shows a green check, it’s successful. Now click Done to finish.

Click Done to finish adding Gmail to Outlook
Click Done to finish adding Gmail to Outlook

Enjoy Gmail on your Outlook!

How to add Gmail to Outlook - Open Gmail with Outlook and enjoy
Open Gmail with Outlook and enjoy


Currently, Outlook 2016 and 2019 versions have much more improved for opening Gmail with Outlook. You should not use Outlook versions that are too old, like 2010, very outdated. Remember to open the browser and log in to Gmail first, and the following steps will be faster.

Have you opened Gmail with Outlook yet? Leave a comment below the article to let me know!

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Hieu Tran ngoc Minh

Hieu Tran ngoc Minh

I am currently working as a Data Analyst; before that, I worked in Digital Marketing. Blogging is a joy, helping me share my knowledge and experiences from life and work. You can donate to me here.

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